Now that you are motivated and have decided to start your new exercise program there are still a few things to put in place.
Have you set a goal? You probably want to have a big goal with smaller ones to help keep you focused along the way. For example, if your ultimate goal is to run a marathon, then you want to set goals of walking a certain distance at least three times a week until you are no longer fatigued by that and then increasing the distance until you are eventually running. This same practice applies to any exercise you attempt. Start slow and work your way up to the more strenuous workouts. Remember, Rome was not built in one day and neither will your body be, so start slowly. Make your goals manageable.
You may also want to consider getting a partner, this will help with motivation. You can help each other be accountable and it will make exercising more fun. Try to find someone who is at about the same level that you are at. It’s no fun with someone way above or way below your level. Another way to help with motivation could be to reward yourself with non-food rewards as you complete the small goals that lead up to the ultimate goal. Keeping track of your goals by writing them down is another way to keep motivated.
Make sure that whatever it is that you are doing that you have the right equipment. Again, invest some time into researching what the proper tools are for the endeavor you are about to begin. Whether it is walking shoes, running shoes, a bike or skates, take the time to find out what works best for you, it will pay off in the end in many ways.
Now exercise alone will not be sufficient to get you to the ultimate fitness level that you can attain, you will also need to make some new dietary choice to go along with the exercise if you hope to be successful. A well rounded person includes mental, physical and spiritual but those topics are for different columns. I had to mention them least you think getting fit was all one sided, it is not.
So, are you ready to begin, what’s your ultimate goal? Don’t hold back, dream big!
On your mark, get set, go!