How To Overcome Lust. Part [8] 08/09/2024 (Morning thought)

2nd Samuel 11:2 And it came to pass in an evening-tide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon.

Satan specializes in structuring sudden temptations to strategically coincide with our idle hours, when, like David, we have nothing to do. Therefore, even though David did not initially premeditate this act, it was designed to suddenly take advantage of David’s down time. Christian men who are struggling with lust should find something productive or constructive to do, if they know that they will have extended periods of idle hours on their hands. It does not mean that you cannot go on vacation, or take a break.

Just be wary of excessive idle time with nothing to do. This does not constitute victory, as we stated earlier, but is just a matter of intelligently positioning one’s self, since we are not supposed to be ignorant of the devil’s devices. In other words, while The Holy Ghost is doing His work on the inside of the heart, you will want to close all doors as far as possible, so that you will not be easily compromised.

[Patriarchs & Prophets pp 156] Idleness is the greatest curse that can fall upon man, for vice and crime follow in its train. Satan lies in ambush, ready to destroy those who are unguarded; Whose leisure gives him opportunity to insinuate himself under some attractive disguise. He is never more successful than when he comes to men in their idle hours.

Ezekiel 16: 49 Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and an abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 50 And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me, therefore I took them away as I saw good.

May The Lord add His blessing to the study of His word. God bless!