Proverbs 28: 9 He that turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.
Then the Psalmist David goes on to capture, portray, and make plain, what constitutes true worship, for he makes plain that one’s heart must be in the right place, with a recognition, and practice of God’s law for worship to be acceptable, and if one has fallen short through violations, confession, and a turning away from sin is a must. In fact, true worship cannot be untethered from the keeping of God’s commandments even if in the time of ignorance, God may wink. In such cases, God will accept the sincerity of the worshipper, but He won’t and cannot accept, error in the place of truth.
This distinction must be made very clear, especially in these last days, when the work of salvation would be wrapping up. In days of old, where persons were in darkness, some sincerely worshipped God to the best of their knowledge and He accepted the person in question, but the errors associated with that form of worship were not accepted. In our day, where the light of God’s commandments is to shine in a concentrated blaze upon all peoples, true worship will have to incorporate the keeping of all God’s commandments, including the 4th, which distinguishes, and recognizes God as Creator of the heavens and the earth.
Thus, the Psalmist ties obedience to true worship as an inseparable essential and this is what God is now calling all the inhabitants of earth to. Those who are sincere in heart, must now step up to the plate, and be counted, by worshiping God in spirit, and also in truth.
Psalms 66: 18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.
May God add His blessing to the study of His word. “Good night” and God bless!