How To repent Part [7] 09/06/2022 (Evening thought)

Proverbs 28:13 He that covers his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.

Another important aspect of godly repentance is that of confessing our sins. However, there is a huge difference in Biblical confession, and a mere statement of the facts. This aspect of repentance needs to be understood by all, for there may be many instances where a statement of facts is misconstrued as being confessing our sins.

There are three instances given in the Bible that can shed great light on the issue of confession. David, Achan, and Judas all confessed their sins when cornered, but David’s confession was after the godly sort, whereas Achan’s and Judas’ were a mere statement of facts, without any true sorrow for sin accompanying their confession.

In fact, it really matters not if a person is cornered or not; the determining factor is whether the confession and the repentance came from God, or whether it is originating with man. The gift of repentance with confession is given to all, but it rests with the individual to accept or reject it. This is what determines the outcome.

1st John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

May God add His blessing to the study of His word. “Good night” and God bless!