Matthew 22:21 Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. 22 When they had heard these words, they marveled, and left him, and went their way.
Now as premonition and reality have converged, we could find ourselves in difficult positions in some cases, for the question will be: Should a Christian be forced to accept something in the name of science, if it has not been fully approved by the appointed agency tasked with such approval? And would the church then be forced to adopt such mandates in harmony with rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s?
And consequently, will persons be required to provide conclusive, rational evidence for their course of action if it is contrary to conventional wisdom on the matter in question? Every one of us would have to make an individual choice in the matter, because we must know God for ourselves, just as Christ had known The Father as He endured the wilderness experience.
It is worthy of note in the current situation, that one’s compliance will be tied to economic privilege, and the ability of some to work in certain instances. Christ did not offer a rational explanation for His condition in the wilderness, and we may not be able to give a reasonable answer for the course of action we may pursue. However, if we are being led by The Spirit, that’s all that really matters, for at the end of the day, living under the guidance of The Spirit will make all the difference when the dust has settled.
1st Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.
May The Lord add His blessing to the study of His word. God bless!