The Gold You Don't Know You Have. Part [5] 08/17/2021 (Morning thought)

Romans 7:18 For to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. 21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

The Gold that we have in our possession, and yet may not know that we have is power. Whatever is read in the Bible, such as the methods, principles, laws, and statutes are all a dead letter without the power to activate and put into practice. Knowledge without power becomes a vanity that may relish and drool for things that are essentially out of one’s reach.

For instance, if one is struggling with addictions, he or she may read the Bible from cover to cover about what should or should not be done. And there are a plethora of dos and don’ts to be found, but without power to activate the knowledge thus gleaned, the person will be relegated to wishful thinking. This predicament is referenced by the apostle Paul, who struggled with latent tendencies that strove for the mastery.

Most of our youth who have gone astray actually know what is the right thing to do, because the seeds of truth have been already sown in their hearts, since they were young. The prodigal son did not need a Bible study on what to do in desperate times, for that knowledge he already had, and thus he knew his way back home.

Luke 15:17 And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! 18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee.

May The Lord add His blessing to the study of His word. God bless!