True Love by Richard McKenzie


True Love by Richard McKenzie

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The inspiration for this song came while I was presenting a bible study series on the rights, duties and privileges of marriage. Since marriage and the family seems to be currently under attack, and are deemed by many to be easily disposed of, it was decided, through a bible based series to attempt to restore these sacred institutions to their original and rightful place. And so it was that one week before the series ended, I received in a dream the lyrics, the music and the melody for this song. I immediately shared it with my wife of 20 years, whereupon we agreed to immediately record the inspired song as a tribute to what God intended marriage should be. We played the recording for the attendees of the bible seminar and the response was so overwhelming that we decided to move forward with the widespread distribution of the song. It is my sincere desire that the words and music would heal wounded hearts, restore broken marriages and elevate love as a principle rather than a feeling or emotion. God bless you and your family.